Decoding the Mystery: Why Does My 50-50 Packet Have a Lower Calorie Count?

Have you ever wondered why the calorie count on your 50-50 packet is significantly lower than that of butter or other oily foods? It’s a common question that many health-conscious individuals ask. The answer lies in the composition of the food and how calories are calculated. Let’s delve into the mystery and decode the reason behind this seemingly perplexing phenomenon.

Understanding Calories

Calories are a measure of energy. They indicate how much energy you get from a serving of food. The calorie count of a food item is determined by its macronutrient composition – carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Each of these macronutrients provides a different amount of energy: carbohydrates and proteins provide 4 calories per gram, while fats provide 9 calories per gram.

Why Does Butter Have More Calories?

Butter is a fat-dense food. It is made from the fatty portion of milk, which is why it has a high calorie count. Since fats provide 9 calories per gram, a 100g serving of butter, which is almost entirely fat, will have close to 900 calories.

What About the 50-50 Packet?

The 50-50 packet refers to a type of biscuit that is made up of approximately 50% carbohydrates and 50% fats. However, this does not mean that the calorie count will be exactly halfway between the calorie count of pure carbohydrates and pure fats. This is because carbohydrates and fats provide different amounts of energy.

Decoding the Calorie Count

Let’s break down the calorie count of a 100g serving of 50-50 biscuits. Assuming that the biscuits are made up of 50g carbohydrates and 50g fats, the calorie count would be calculated as follows:

  • Carbohydrates: 50g x 4 calories/g = 200 calories
  • Fats: 50g x 9 calories/g = 450 calories

Adding these together gives a total of 650 calories. However, the packet states that the calorie count is 479kcal/100g. This discrepancy can be explained by the fact that the biscuits also contain other ingredients that do not contribute significantly to the calorie count, such as water, fiber, and air. These ingredients increase the weight of the biscuits without adding to the calorie count, thereby lowering the calorie density of the biscuits.


So, the mystery of the 50-50 packet’s lower calorie count is solved! It’s all about the composition of the food and how calories are calculated. Remember, understanding the nutritional information on food labels can help you make healthier choices and maintain a balanced diet.